Client: Mike Mitchell
[ Selected Works ]
Role: Collaboration/Fabrication
Mike Mitchell is an illustrator who enjoys experimenting with new methods/materials to transform his artwork. We've been collaborating for close to a decade across a wide variety of materials (usually involving lasers).

Soon-to-be-painted laser-cut/etched piece for San Diego Comic-Con display.

Laser-cut/etched for "Dear Beer 2" art show, curated by Ryan Duggan.

Two editions - "Falling Skully" (above) & "Balancing Skully" (below) were collaborations between myself, Mike, and Serio Press. Mike supplied me with vectorized artwork, which I utilized to laser-cut furniture-grade birch plywood. After cutting, I sanded, cleaned, and handed pieces to Serio Press, who then printed two layers of color. Once printed, they returned to my shop, where I cut & routed "keyhole" bamboo blocks for easy hanging by the customer, and affixed them to the reverse of each panel.
"Falling Skully" was presented by Static Medium at MondoCon 5, - for this, I fabricated a display stand using a 1/8" leaning panel of masonite and 1/2" base of routed bamboo, so that all would travel flat, and fit together safely balanced without the use of adhesives or extra hardware.

"Skully & Crossbones" stencil for Mike's mysterious "Black Box" release. Artwork laser-cut on oil board, which was included in a "blind box" style release, among many prints, coasters, stickers, etc.